Monday, December 15, 2008

Welcome to the Blogosphere, Baby Girl!

I've always had a lot to say! Now with the global economic crisis, the mortgage meltdown, Americans drowning in debt, the divorce rate skyrocketing, stress and terrible eating habits are driving us all to early graves, etc., I have a lot more to say than ever before. I may not know it all, but my husband and I have been doing things our own way and we're healthy in every aspect of the word--physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually!

I hope it gives more young couples the courage to live according to their values--whatever they may be. We live in such a hectic world that it's easy to go with the flow without even thinking about it! To get back to ourselves and establish the way we wanted to live, it took real work! We had to unplug the television and start fresh in terms of the way we spend money, the way we treat each other, what we decide is fun, and what our goals are.

I plan to write about a lot of topics that have come up in my young life and in my young marriage.

  • Marriage: Great marriages don't just happen! After our beautiful wedding, we came back down to reality and really had to communicate, work together, and sacrifice to become the couple that we are today. There have been tough times that forced me to learn about myself and my husband, but they have always bound us together tighter than before...only recently have I begun to remember that when we're in the though times!
  • Money: I'm sure there's some saying about being careful about running with the pack, because it might just be a stampede off of a cliff. Right now, when I watch the news on the credit crisis, that's how I feel. I enjoy luxury as much as the next ex-sorority gal and I had the credit card debt to prove it when I married my husband. Unfortunately, I married the nicest guy on the planet who would have sold his kidneys to buy me something sparkly if it made me smile, so I had to get smart. I'll share how I did it, the smart things we're doing now, and our goals for the future.
  • Martha: I'm a pretty adept homemaker, if I do say so myself! I have grandiose dreams of being compared to Martha Stewart someway, somehow. I really enjoy cooking, crafting, decor, entertaining, and all that jazz. I can knit, I'm learning to sew beyond that 7th grade home economics class I took, but my most Martha-esque achievement is that I am a vegan who manages to get my stake-and-potato husband to eat what I create most of the time.
  • Me: Like all wives, I am many different things and have many different interests. I care both about the planet and the latest fashion trends. I'm learning more and more about politics, but I still really enjoy celebrity gossip. I work in nonprofit, but I love the social pages. I don't think any of these contradictions mean that I don't know who I am. I think it makes me authentic and I hope that helps us all be more comfortable in our own skin.

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